Finding the strength to keep moving foward -->
We have all been at that point where we struggle to find the energy and strength to continue on our daily journeys. Whether its responsibilities that we must tackle or deadlines that we must meet. There always seems to be a challenge ahead of us and sometimes we honestly just don't feel like it. I want to take the time today to encourage you.. Yes YOU!
One thing I have come to understand in my thirty three years of life is that those days that are the hardest to tackle actually are the most rewarding to our inner selves. Think about it for a second. The days that you have made it thru seemingly only by the help and grace of God, have added to your survivor marks. These marks are internal strengths that build thru-out our lives and help to develop our character and resiliency. So as we grow older and go thru all these rough times, We should be getting stronger mentally and expecting a great end even if the beginning is rough. Also these rough times only highlight the great times that must and will follow. Like the old saying goes, if it weren't for the bad days I wouldn't appreciate the good ones.
Those mornings when we hop out of bed with an extra pep in our step, have a great song already playing in our head and are ready to take on the world are pretty easy days. The reason being is because our positive perspective is so strong that nothing can deter us away from having joy thru-out that day. But... Those mornings where we are dragging and dreading our feet hitting the floor, asking God why and how, we are being challenged by mental fatigue. It happens to the best of us and the worst of us.. ALL of us.
So I challenge you to try and build your mental strength in these times of fatigue. Next time you feel that you cant do it, take a long look in the mirror and tell yourself boldly..!!! I CAN! I WILL! I MUST! No matter the challenge, No matter the situation, No matter how you feel. Keep on pushing! You will make it thru! Remember that you don't have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great! So as long as you are putting motion and effort in any situation, you will see results... As long as you run the race. Don't give up! Don't give in! Stay the course and be that strong, unmovable tower that you are! I believe in you!